
Use of postural reconstruction physiotherapy to treat an adolescent with asymmetric bilateral genu varum and idiopathic scoliosis


Objective. – To document the effect of Postural Reconstruction1 physiotherapy on two postural disorders commonly observed in adolescents: genu varum and idiopathic scoliosis.
Patient and methods. – A case report on a 16-year-old boy suffering from knee pain and presenting with bilateral genu varum and mild scoliosis. At the initial evaluation (T0), the intercondylar space was 7 cm and the Cobb angles for the right lumbar curve and left thoracic curve were 188 and 138, respectively. The boy was treated with Postural Reconstruction1, a neuromuscular physiotherapy intervention using facilitation/inhibition techniques. The outcomes used to quantify the effect of 6 months (T1), 12 months (T2) and 26 months (T3) of treatment were pain levels, the intercondylar space, the lumbar gibbosity and the lumbar and thoracic Cobb angles.

Results. – The knee pain disappeared rapidly. At T3, the intercondylar space had decreased by 4 cm, the lumbar gibbosity angle had decreased by 28 and the lumbar and thoracic Cobb angles had decreased by 88 and 78, respectively.
Conclusion. – This non-invasive physiotherapy intervention appears to have considerable promise for the long-term correction of postural disorders.

2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Neuromuscular facilitation; Hyperlaxity; Motor irradiation; Physiotherapy; Recurvatum


Objectif. – Documenter les effets d’une intervention physiothérapique sur deux troubles posturaux fréquemment observés chez les adolescents : genu varum et scoliose idiopathique.
Patient et méthode. – Ce rapport présente le cas d’un adolescent de 16 ans qui présente lors de l’évaluation initiale des gonalgies, un genu varum bilatéral asymétrique avec un écart intercondylien de 7 cm, une scoliose idiopathique lombaire droite de 188 d’angle de Cobb et thoracique gauche de 138. Le patient est traité par la méthode physiothérapique de reconstruction posturale1. Cette méthode, sélectionnée en raison du caractére multifocal du trouble postural, repose sur un processus de facilitation neuromusculaire. Les critéres de jugement ayant servi à quantifier les effets de l’intervention à six mois (T1), 12 mois (T2) et 26 mois (T3) après le début de l’intervention sont : la mesure de l’intensité des algies, de l’écart intercondylien, de la gibbosité lombaire et des angles de Cobb.